Data published in 2021 by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights shows that violence against women is systematically under-reported and commonly features coercive control and attacks of a sexual nature. Equality between genders is one of the fundamental principles of EU law, and legislation for equal rights between women and men has existed since the very early days of the European Community. Across Europe women are still over-represented in lower paid jobs, under-represented in decision-making positions of power and suffer disproportionally from gender-based violence. Rose Fitzgerald was born in Boston’s North End, the daughter of famous politician John ‘Honey Fitz’ Fitzgerald and Mary Josephine Hannon. She was raised in Dorchester and attended college in New York and The Netherlands. Her daughters included Jean Kennedy Smith, U.S. Ambassador to Ireland, and Eunice Kennedy Shriver, founder of Special Olympics. Click here for additional information.

  • As you may have already noticed, Irish girl names tend to have anglicized versions, connecting to common monikers.
  • Rose Fitzgerald was born in Boston’s North End, the daughter of famous politician John ‘Honey Fitz’ Fitzgerald and Mary Josephine Hannon.
  • One of the biggest bonuses of dating an Irish girl is that her nanny will always know how to cook the best Sunday roast dinner.
  • The name is pronounced MOI-nets.

From adorable sounds to precious meanings, consider these lovely names, such as Alannah, Croía, and Keavy. Ireland has some seriously deep cultural roots, so there’s no shortage of unique and rare Irish girl names!

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The EU’s progress on gender equality has been slow in recent years, with the Covid-19 pandemic negatively impacting fragile gains made since 2010. In fact, according to the 2022 index, gender inequality has increased slightly in some aspects of employment, education and health. Irish gender equality legislation was first introduced in the 1970s after Ireland became a member of what was then the European Economic Community . Traditional Irish fashion with modern style. We have created a fun and stylish Irish clothing collection for our US customer base. This clothing range includes Irish wool sweaters, women’s hats, scarves, etc. Created for Irish women so they may show their Irish pride while looking fantastic.

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Conor Wickham is a keen travel writer from County Wexford, Ireland. He has been a regular writer for Ireland Before You Die, The World Bucket List and Meanwhile in Ireland since 2019. Conor has a keen interest in discovering everything Ireland has to offer. From sleeping in tree houses in the Ox Mountains to staying in shepherd huts in Donegal, Conor has experienced it. With qualifications in Marketing irish physical features female & Advertising with Online Media as well as Print Journalism, Conor has worked as a Website Content Writer/SEO Specialist in the past for many websites. Conor has had two short stories published in the widely acclaimed Wexford Bohemian Literary Journal. Conor’s favourite types of articles to write are ones which involve history, scenic locations and the news.

The proposal aims to ensure a minimum level of protection against such violence, regardless of whether it takes place online or offline. Spikes in domestic violence and abuse reports during Covid-19 lockdowns, when victims were trapped at home with their abusers, were a sad reminder that women frequently face the most danger from people they know. Gender equality progress in Member States is monitored through the European Semester, particularly when it comes to the labour market, social inclusion and education. The directive also establishes additional rights, such as the right to request flexible working arrangements, which will help people develop their careers and family life without having to sacrifice either. The gender perspective is integrated into all EU policies through gender mainstreaming, meaning the interests and concerns of both women and men are considered at all stages of strategic planning.

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In 1861 Foley moved to Rome, Italy and mastered the intricate art of medallions. Her work, including an acclaimed portrait of Cleopatra, were featured at the Philadelphia Centennial Expo in 1876. Her work is on display at the Smithsonian Harvard art museums.

Caitria. This is an extra-cute version of the name Caitríona, the Irish form of the French girls’ name Katherine, meaning “pure.” It’s pronounced KAT-ree-a. Pronounced AY-teen, this Irish female name comes from the word ét, which means “passion.” It’s also an Irish mythological name from the ninth-century tale The Wooing of Étaín. Étaín was Midir’s second wife, transformed into a fly by his jealous first wife. As the story goes, she was reborn in the woman who accidentally swallowed her, eventually reuniting with her love, Midir. Irish boy names and girl names are known for their unique pronunciations, and Niamh might be one of the most interesting! Pronounced NEEV, it means “bright.” In Irish mythology, Niamh was the daughter of Manannán mac Lir, the sea god.

Ireland has a legislative female election candidate quota of 30% to support an increase of women in parliament. The General Election in February 2020 saw 36 women (22.5%) elected out of a total of 160 TDs in Dáil Éireann. However, that’s still below the EU average of 33% of seats in national parliaments in 2022. Women are still significantly under-represented in decision-making positions in all fields across the EU, with only a minority making it to the highest positions in political, economic and social institutions.